Korang pernah tak jumpa orang yg cakap "i hate hypocrite!", "aku benci gila kat org yg hipocrite!" dan ayat2 yg sewaktu dengannya atau adakah anda tergolong dalam golongan yg macam ni? If u r one of this people then u r a bigger hypocrite!!!!
Because for me, most of us used to be hypocrite, it just the matter of how u define that word. Just take at look at this few definitions of hypocrite!!!! :
1. A person who engage in the same behaviors he condemn others for.
2. A person who profess certain ideals, but fail to live up to them.
3. Someone who complains about something but find themselves doing exactly the same thing.
A: "i hate people that complain about other people, they're SO annoying!"
B: Shut up, hypocrite!
4. Someone who say they would never do something or never be like someone, yet turns around and does the thing that they say they will never do.
5.Someone who say they hate something but when someone else says they like it, they turn around and say they like it too. (A follower)
source: urban dictionary
Having read the definitions stated above, are u sure u never belong to any of the categories above? Come on la, how many time u have smile to the people that u dont like?
How many time u have being nice in front of someone but u condemn the person behind their back? Isnt that hypocrite??
You hate when people cheat you but it is ok for u to cheat.
How many time u have been trying to be nice to a person and conceal ur bad behavior??
U preach something that u dont do. Isnt that hypocrite?
I am a hypocrite and i treat different people differently and i did that for some reason but i hate someone who say they hate hypocrite and condemn me for being one!
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