Tuesday, 27 September 2011


 "Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better"

This is a quotation by Émile Coué which was a French pharmacist and physiologist. This quotation serve as a placebo in which it is believed if u repeat this quotation everyday, its gives some sort of reaffirmation to your unconscious thoughts unlike a held belief that strong conscious will constitute the best path to success.

Friday, 16 September 2011


Anesthesia is the loss of sensation. Anesthetic agents are drug used to to achieve anesthesia. Anesthesia allow patients to undergo surgery and other procedures without distress and pain they would otherwise experience.

There are 4 aspects in the practice of surgical anesthesia i.e:
1. Pre-anesthetic
2. Induction
3. Maintenance
4. Recovery

Anesthesia result from an effective anesthetic tension (concentration in partial pressure) in the brain. The faster the induction, the faster the effective anesthetic tension in the brain is achieved.

Distribution of anaesthetic to the tissue ( rate of rise of anesthetic tension in any tissue) depends on tissue solubility of anesthetic and tissue perfusion.

1.Tissue solubility 

Tissue solubility of anesthetic is expressed as tissue blood perfusion coefficients which value usually 1-3 for most tissue but >>>1 for fat. The higher the the tissue solubility, the higher the time to reach equilibrium between tissue and arterial blood and thus the slower is the rate of increase in anesthetic tension.

2. Tissue perfusion

Fat is poorly perfused tissue. So equilibrium with fat (6% of cardiac output) is the slowest.

Thus, in person with high fat content (fat people), tissue solubility of anaesthetic is higher and tissue perfusion is lower. So it take more time to equilibrate and reach effective anaesthetic tension.

I post this as a reply of  request from my friend who ask about the influence of fat on anesthesia in fat people. Do correct me if u find that my conclusion is not correct.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Falsafah Hidup

Dalam perjuangan kita dilahirkan. Didalam gerak tangis kita mulai membuka mata. Didalam bedungan ibu kita menggerakkan badan melepaskan ikatan bedung. Lepas  dari asuhan ibu, kita merangkak, kita angsur tegak dan kita jatuh, lalu kita tegak lagi dan jatuh lagi. Kemudian tegak terus untuk pergi berjuang ke medan permainan, lalu ke medan hidup, lalu ke perjuangan dalam batin kita sendiri, menegakkan yang baik dan melawan yang buruk. Selama hidup kita kerjakan demikian, menjalankan perintah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Berapa pun yang dapat kita kerjakan, harus kita syukuri. Setiap hari atau masa kita hitunglah laba dan rugi. Sampai kelak datang panggilan. Panggilan yang tidak dapat ditakkhirkan walau satu saat dan tidak pula ditaqdimkan walau satu saat. Panggilan yang tak dapat dielakkan oleh setiap yang bernyawa.

                Maka terbukalah pintu kubur. Maknanya pindahlah kita dari hidup fana kepada hidup baqa, dari hidup dunia kepada hidup akhirat. Demikianlah kita menempuh hidup; lahir berjuang dan akhirnya mati.

                Betapa juapun kita harus percaya, bahawa kebaikan juga yang menang. Sebab asal-usul kejahatan kita bukan jahat, hanya baik semata. Kalau kejahatan pernah menang, hanyalah lantaran dorongan nafsu. Bila nafsu telah reda, kebaikan jualah yang kita junjung. Sebab itu hendaklah kita percaya penuh dengan Iman dan baik sangka dengan Tuhan. Itulah Falsafah Hidup.

Prof Dr. Hamka. Falsafah Hidup

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Panadol ActiFast Versus Panadol Regular

What is the difference between this 2 products?

Panadol regular or panadol 500mg. Each tablet contain 500mg of paracetamol. The price is around RM 2.80 for 10 tablets.

Panadol ActiFast. Each caplet contain 500mg of paracetamol + 173mg of sodium. The price is around RM 4.60 for 8 caplets.

The amount of active ingredient is the same. So what is the difference between this two products? 

The key different actually lies in the excipient (non-active ingredients content of the tablet).

 For the drug to carry out it action, it must be absorbed from our gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Paracetamol is poorly absorbed in the stomach but well absorbed in the small intestine due to the greater surface area and hence absorptive capacity of the small intestine. 

Sodium bicarbonate is an excipient in the formulation which has a role in increasing the rates of gastric emptying (hence movement of drugs from the stomach into small intestine) and that of dissolution and hence the speed of absorption of paracetamol to provide faster onset of relief.

However, the amount of sodium bicarbonate in 2 tablets of Panadol ActiFast are required per dose to have such an effect which mean you have to take 2 tablets of Panadol Actifast to has that fast rate of absorption.

The rate of absorption of Panadol ActiFast is twice as fast as standard panadol if taken in 2 tablets per dose.

If you take only 1 tablet of Panadol Actifast, the rate of absorption is the same as taking 1 tablet of standard panadol. For asian, it is customary that sometime we take only 500mg (1 tablet) of doses. So I would suggest to take standard panadol if you wish to take only 1 tablet as it would be cheaper while the effect is the same.

The extend (amount) of drug absorption is the same for both product. The Panadol ActiFast is meant to give fast relief of pain while the EFFICACY of both product is the SAME 


1.GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare. Retrieved from: http://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/medicine/21529/SPC/panadol%20actifast/

2, Drugs.com. Panadol ActiFast. Retrieved from: http://www.drugs.com/uk/panadol-actifast-spc-8801.html

Monday, 5 September 2011


Korang pernah tak jumpa orang yg cakap "i hate hypocrite!", "aku benci gila kat org yg hipocrite!" dan ayat2 yg sewaktu dengannya atau adakah anda tergolong dalam golongan yg macam ni? If u r one of this people then u r a bigger hypocrite!!!!

Because for me, most of us used to be hypocrite, it just the matter of how u define that word. Just take at look at this few definitions of hypocrite!!!! :

1. A person who engage in the same behaviors he condemn others for.

2. A person who profess certain ideals, but fail to live up to them.

3. Someone who complains about something but find themselves doing exactly the same thing.
 A: "i hate people that complain about other people, they're SO annoying!"
B: Shut up, hypocrite!

4. Someone who say they would never do something or never be like someone, yet turns around and does the thing that they say they will never do.

5.Someone who say they hate something but when someone else says they like it, they turn around and say they like it too. (A follower)

source: urban dictionary

Having read the definitions stated above, are u sure u never belong to any of the categories above? Come on la, how many time u have smile to the people that u dont like?

How many time u have being nice in front of someone but u condemn the person behind their back? Isnt that hypocrite??

You hate when people cheat you but it is ok for u to cheat.

How many time u have been trying to be nice to a person and conceal ur bad behavior??

U preach something that u dont do. Isnt that hypocrite?

I am a hypocrite and i treat different people differently and i did that for some reason but i hate someone who say they hate hypocrite and condemn me for being one!


 I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means -- except by getting off his back. -leo tolstoy


"It's sad when people you know become people you knew..when you can walk past someone like they were never a big part of your life..how u use to be able to talk for hours and how can barely even look at them..its sad, how time change.."