Sunday, 17 July 2011

Gas Ketawa

Gas ketawa atau laughing gas ni nama lain bagi Nitrous Oxide (N20). Gas nitrous oxide ni adalah sejenis gas yang digunakan dalam dental procedure sebagai pain killer. Gas ni adlh general anesthetic agent dan selalu digunakan dlm induction phase of anaesthesia in surgery..Tu dia, mai dah masuk bab pharmacolgy..haha..teringat dr Debra Sim yg semangat ajar topik ni tapi aku tak dengar satu apa punn

Ok back to the topic, gas nitrous oxide ni bila digunakan dalam concentration atau kepekatan yang tertentu akn menyebabkan euphoria (mat rempit panggil 'high') dan ketawa secara spontan..hahahaha

Macam best je kan gas ni, ok mengarut je..tapi ada terpikir gak nak lepaskan gas ni kalau aku masuk pertandingan maharaja lawak yang tak berapa nak lawak tu.

Back to the fact, depending on the concentration of the gas administered, the user can experience this 4 level of sedation:

1. Tinggling sensation (rasa menyucuk) and paresthesia (rasa getaran) followed by;

2. warm sensation

3.feeling of well being, euphoria and floating

4. At a deeper level of sedation, again sleepiness and dream. Nausea means you are oversedated!

Despite it desirable effect, laughing gas should only be used for professional purpose such as surgery due to its analgesic effect as this drug is habit forming and it do have undesirable side effect and in fact it posession also subject to legality in the particular country..

p/s Dr debra ni suka letak quotation kat note dia, ni antara quotation dia yg aku secara tak sengaja dah terhafal:

"When the going get tough, the tougher get going"

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