Sunday, 17 July 2011

Gas Ketawa

Gas ketawa atau laughing gas ni nama lain bagi Nitrous Oxide (N20). Gas nitrous oxide ni adalah sejenis gas yang digunakan dalam dental procedure sebagai pain killer. Gas ni adlh general anesthetic agent dan selalu digunakan dlm induction phase of anaesthesia in surgery..Tu dia, mai dah masuk bab pharmacolgy..haha..teringat dr Debra Sim yg semangat ajar topik ni tapi aku tak dengar satu apa punn

Ok back to the topic, gas nitrous oxide ni bila digunakan dalam concentration atau kepekatan yang tertentu akn menyebabkan euphoria (mat rempit panggil 'high') dan ketawa secara spontan..hahahaha

Macam best je kan gas ni, ok mengarut je..tapi ada terpikir gak nak lepaskan gas ni kalau aku masuk pertandingan maharaja lawak yang tak berapa nak lawak tu.

Back to the fact, depending on the concentration of the gas administered, the user can experience this 4 level of sedation:

1. Tinggling sensation (rasa menyucuk) and paresthesia (rasa getaran) followed by;

2. warm sensation

3.feeling of well being, euphoria and floating

4. At a deeper level of sedation, again sleepiness and dream. Nausea means you are oversedated!

Despite it desirable effect, laughing gas should only be used for professional purpose such as surgery due to its analgesic effect as this drug is habit forming and it do have undesirable side effect and in fact it posession also subject to legality in the particular country..

p/s Dr debra ni suka letak quotation kat note dia, ni antara quotation dia yg aku secara tak sengaja dah terhafal:

"When the going get tough, the tougher get going"

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

The most expensive drug in the world!!

I came across about this issue while reading an MPS bulentin...

The most expensive drug in the world is Soliris (eculizumab) which is a monoclonal antibody that treats a rare disorder in which the immune system destrys red bloos cells at night. The disorder is known as paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. It cost $1121.92 a day.

Top 5 MOST EXPENSIVE drugs in the world:

1. Soliris, Alexion Pharmaceutical, $409,500 a year. Monoclonal antibody drug treats a rare disorder in which the immune system destroys red blood cells at night.

2. Elaprase, Shire, $375,000 per year. Treats Hunter's syndrome, a metabolic disorder.

3. Naglazyme, BioMarin, $365,000 a year. Trats rare connective tissue disorder

4. Cinryze, ViroPharma, $350,000 a year. Trats hereditary angioedema, a rare life-threatening genetic disorder that cause painful swelling.

5. Arcalyst, Regeneron, $250,000 a year. An antiinflammatory for patients with impaired immune systems.


1. Edwards. J. BNET. 20 Expensive Drugs That Could Bankrupt Medicare. Retrived from:;drawer-container

2. Jeremy. The Most Expensive Journal. World's Most Expensive Medicine. Retrieved from:

3. Herper. M. The World's Most Expensive Drugs. Retrieved from:

Monday, 11 July 2011

Why medical and health line students cheat!?

A study has been done to determine what leads to pharmacy students cheating in a university setting. A questionnaire was distributed mainly to pharmacy students at a comprehensive university in the southeastern United States to assess self-esteem, self-efficacy, idealism, relativism, student attitudes toward cheating, tolerance for peer cheating, detachment from the university, Machiavellian behavior, and demographic information.


Factors that influence student attitudes toward cheating:

  •  Gender. Male students were more likely to tolerate cheating behavior in their peers, which may suggest that they are more likely to engage in academic dishonesty.
  • Relativism. There was a positive correlation between tolerance of peer cheating and relativism. Relativistic students believe that moral actions depend on the nature of the situation and the individuals involved. Thus, their judgment of others is based more on circumstances than the ethical principle that was violated. Relativistic students tend to be highly pragmatic and may view cheating as a possible last resort that is preferable to the alternative of failing a test, assignment, or course.
  • Degree of idealism Contrary to relativism, higher levels of idealism were negatively correlated with tolerance for peer cheating. 
  • Institutional setting. Detachment from the university was positively correlated to higher tolerance for peer cheating.

Factors that doesn’t influence students attitude towards cheating:

  •  Age
  • GPA
  • Race
  •  Income
  • Marital status

Other studies:

Baldwin and colleagues reported that:

1. Medical students
  • 39% witnessed some type of cheating among classmates during the first 2 years of their medical education
  • 67% had heard about cheating
  • 5% admitted cheating
2.Baccalaurate and associate-degree nursing students
  • 61% to 94% of students had witnessed peer cheating
  • 8% to 39% had cheated themselves
3. Pharmacy student
  •  80% of students admit cheating or witnessing cheating while attending pharmacy school.


Marilyn D. Saulsbury PhD, BSPharm; Ulysses J. Brown, PhD; Simone O. Heyliger PhD; Ruby L. Beale PhD. Effect of Dispositional Traits on Pharmacy Students' Attitude Toward Cheating. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. Medscape Pharmacist. Retrieved from:

Sunday, 10 July 2011


I got this stats from fitness first after workout today...looks like a long way to go to become fit..

Saturday, 9 July 2011

what i did this semester??

Eventhough this semester was quite short (not really actually), it was packed and fun..This are some of the new things that happen to me this semester..

Playing laser tag at mid was my first time playing and guess what, i got a first place!! hehe

the 1st event in this sem is pharmacy annaul dinner a.k.a pharmnite...haiz nasib baik lah dapat cari baju tu kat downtown..itu pun last kedai lepas hbs pusing downtown tu..almaklumlah american size susah cri baju..

i do smile sometime ok.. ..haha

then i also went for national pharmacy sport carnival in was the first time actually i involve in some the way i join tarik tali and was the captain

Eat arabic food at saba restaurant. This is what we used to do usually on friday night when we go out to of geng kembara malam activity..

General election..hahaha..this is the poster made by my friend syahir and shahrul and also thanx to qayyum which uploaded it and campaign for me...this is what trigger me to contest (rase mcm poyo pulak)

The candidates and voting in process...

...and i cant believe it i become the president of pharmsoc, never have come to my mind before.
senior aku khairuzaman slalu ckp kalau jd lubuk kolej jgn la jd lubuk department gak...ha ni aku buktikan kat ko zaman..hehe

then we go to picnic in hutan lipur kanching...if i not mistaken this is after a test but cant remember which one

this is a pic of pharmsoc HiCom during kem kepimpinan HEP in negeri 9..we are forced to go and because of this i missed going tu camping in chilling waterfall with my housemates..but what to do, position come with responsibility

the day after i came back from the kem kepimpinan hep was my birthday...and i was pranked by my friend..thanx to my friend irfan which make my birthday this year a memorable one..but actually im wearing that red shirt for the first time and it was supposed for the pharmsoc hicom photoshoot and that day...nevertheless thanx friends :) im end up wearing the dull colour shirt and this my pic on thr photoshoot..they said im the only one who doesnt smile in the pic...they should understand it is the typical me..and typical hanif do not smile..haha
this is one of my favourite activity in the evening other than jogging..seksa nak mampus aku ajak dorg ni baru lah dorg nak temankan aku main..heheh

After exam, we Langkawi people went for a trip in Langkawi (my first trip to island other than penang..banyak duit woo habis beli coklat)

this one is my favourite pic...gambar kat pulau beras basah kalau x silap...

Then after langkawi trip is NoGaps or national gathering of pharmacy student in which i m a commitee and a participant at the same time (penat ooo)

this is my group during the explorace..

and this is my group during the gala night (event that culminate the NoGaps)
the theme was against the AIDS.

After NoGaps was special semester which start on the last day of NoGaps..

 and after special sem is another trip but this time we went for camping...

on the 1st day we went to kuantan (rumah qayyum)

tasik kenyir

on 2nd,3rd and 4th day we spent in terengganu, we camped at pantai keluang

and the last day we went to kelantan..dapat la beli seluar jeans sehelai..

then we went back to kl and then i come back to penang..TRUE HOLIDAY started..

this is my main activity during holiday...hiking..this time i went with my friend hezry and bakri..

Ni je la keje aku sem ni..xde mende bila pikir balik banyak la jugak..hOhO

Thursday, 7 July 2011


I went to visit a friend
i was talking to him and out of sudden
he told me that i have change
he told me that im not a person he used to know
i paused and remain silent 
its true i have change
im broken
no matter how hard i try to put those pieces together
my endeavor seems to be futile

i could'nt be my former self
but i'll always try to be a better person